WINTER 2022/2023

This kind of course is aimed at those who want to learn how to move safely in the winter mountain environment.

It will take place in the Fassa Dolomites, according to snow conditions and slope safety. Uphill and downhill progression techniques, danger assessment and use of equipment, including avalanche self-rescue, will be taught. Absolute beginners, but also people who already know ski mountaineering can participate in the course, provided that they have a minimum of confidence with skiing on the slopes.

When: Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th December 2022.

Required level: even without ski mountaineering experience, but with average skills on groomed slopes.

Number of people: min 3, max 8 people.

Necessary equipment: Complete ski touring kit (skis, bindings, boots, skins, poles). The use of the ARVA (electronic device for burial in an avalanche) is also foreseen).


    Saturday 17 December 1st technical release.
    Meeting in Val di Fiemme at 8.30am, Presentation of the course, visualization of personal material and possible integration with the possibility of renting. Ski mountaineering excursion of easy technical level, with teaching of basic ascent and descent techniques.

    Sunday 18 December at 8.30 am 2nd technical day.
    Ski mountaineering excursion of easy technical level. Learning of ascent and descent techniques, with introduction of the various types of curves. Introduction to the use of avalanche research equipment(ARVA).

    Modalità di iscrizione: tramite il form a lato o al numero 3488271988. NON OLTRE IL 7 DICEMBRE.


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